travel BLOG Roll

Video Shorts

Does my Mélange of madness intrigue you? let me/others know, via social media

Noun work
night work

let no one convince you that ANY pictures you take, which help you remember something forever, are not classics.

nature work

If you have a 360 viewing apparatus (VR headset) or if you have a phone capable of 360 viewing capabilities (Google Photos), immerse yourself in these photos in virtual reality.

tHE PREMIERE, DRUNKEN photographER portfolio SITE

latest work

A person, place or thing (nouns) can sometimes jump out at you and make you want to capture it. Most times, they're just getting in my goddamn shot and ruining it. I see what I can convert that into.

Instagram posts

A stroll at night can unearth great scenery. While others are sleeping around or stabbing people, each spreading DEATH with pointy objects, I'm dodging dodgy  people, looking to bring LIFE to night. 

Coming from a big city, any chance I get to escape pretentious jerks, to observe nature, I take it. The world disappears, you're all alone with your scenery, you're in a trance.

If you want to see more recent works, browse my "GALLERY" link.